217 Merrimack Street
Methuen, MA 01844
217 Merrimack Street
Methuen, MA 01844
(978) 674-7035 phone
(978) 674-7037 fax


Colizzi Memorials is a full service monument company that utilizes state of the art technologies in producing exquisite granite memorials for you and your loved ones. You can take pride in knowing that everything from simple procedures such as cleaning or engraving a date on an existing monument to designing and fabricating a large mausoleum will be completed with the same passion for excellence and attention to detail.

You can choose a beautifully designed monument using GRANITE, BRONZE or MARBLE. A full service facility offers every service that may be needed, from monument cleaning and restoration, a large selection of flat markers, to upright and statuary monuments.

Warm and caring individuals will greet you when you first make contact with Colizzi Memorials. You will be made to feel welcome and secure by our experienced team of professionals. When you and your memorial specialist sit and talk about your needs and desires, you will be listened to and your words will be heard. Only you know what you most desire in a memorial and the team at Colizzi Memorials will encourage you to take the time necessary to really explain what is most important to you and your family.

Colizzi Memorials

A new state of the art facility in Methuen will provide you with the opportunity to see the memorial before you buy it. Years of experience has provided the understanding of how important it is for you to actually view the memorial before committing to the final design. You will now be able to sit in complete comfort while viewing the memorial on a large screen TV that will allow you the opportunity to explore different design options and see them right before your eyes. This innovative memorial design approach allows you to create a lasting memorial that is unique to your loved one.

Restoration and Cleaning
Restoration and CleaningColizzi Memorials also specializes in complete monument restoration. Monuments that are many years old and have braved the elements in the harsh New England climate can be made to look new again for a minimum investment. Today’s technologies allow for a variety of restoration methods based upon the type of materials used and your memorial specialist will recommend the one that is best for your particular situation.
See Our Gallery

The Right Staffing and Equipment
The Right Staffing and Equipment Colizzi Memorials prides itself on owning state of the art cranes and mobile monument installation machines to assure a professional job. Four generations of memorial experience from setting small flat markers to building large family mausoleums. It’s the experience and hands on approach that truly separates Colizzi Memorials from the others.
See Our Gallery

A Wide Selection
A Wide SelectionFinally, Colizzi Memorials offers a wide selection of Granite Vases, Cemetery Remembrance Lights, Bronze Inserts, and Granite and Marble Statuary. Landscape products such as Mail Box Posts, Granite Steps, Bird Baths, Fountains, and Granite Benches are also available. 
See Our Gallery
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